Saturday, June 14, 2014

Posuki: How To Be Popular Survival Kit

Creative Thinking Skills: Project One

This project required students to make a survival kit according to the topic they chose. My group had chosen How To Be Popular Survival Kit, and we were supposed to make a design and create a survival kit for the topic.

Part One - Group Task: The survival kit

Prior to making the survival kit, each other students had to think of two items (adding up to be 20 items in total) relevant to the survival kit to be used. We should also include the manual on how to use the items, whether to use a booklet or an attached to the item on a tag, like my group did. Since we were trying to promote our survival kit, of course we had to include a branding logo to our kit, and that is "Posuki", that came from the two initial letters in Popular Survival Kit. Since it sounded like a Japanese name, we used the Japanese style as our theme in our survival kit.

Part Two - Group Task: Advertisement video of the survival kit

After doing the packaging and designing of the survival kit, we made our advertisement video to in a way "promote" our survival kit. We had planned out a skit for the video to make it more enjoyable. The video is about a girl who had no friends, and was treated as an invisible person to anyone else, but it all changed when she met a mysterious person who gave her a box that magically turned into a Japanese looking kit...

Part Three - Individual Task: Journal (Later complied into Group Journal)

Individually, we were to record the items we chose for the survival kit in loose papers so that it could be compiled into a group journal to be passed up. We were to ask and answer questions on the journal about why we had chose the items and why was it important for the survival kit and so on. Other than the items Journal, we had to include the Group Journal with the process in making the survival kit and the storyboard of our advertisement video.

From this project I learned that there are many ways to define a "survival kit", not just a little kit for medication purposes or a kit for emergencies for outdoor activities. Like for our group's, it's called the How to be Popular Survival Kit and we even managed to think of so many interesting things for the kit. I think that thinking creatively not only make things more interesting and out of the box, but it also helps to expand one's thinking.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 
Communication Skills

Interpersonal Skills

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

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