Monday, June 16, 2014

Proposing a Commercial Area

Introduction to Construction Industry: Final Project

In this project, we had to propose a certain type of project relating it to the clients and community. This project had to be a specific land of 30m x 30m within campus. In groups in two, and with a given topic, we were to produce a report. Our group was given the topic to propose a commercial area (excluding food and beverages), and we had proposed ideas that convenient the community. The report should be included with site analysis, suggestion, rationale, benefits, ideas and concept, and much more.


From this project I learned that planning spaces is important. For a commercial area, 30m x 30m is not much space, but because of that we had to come up with an idea that is appropriate for the site and also is beneficial for the community.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities:
Discipline Specific Knowledge

Interpersonal Skills

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Better Cities of the Future: Report and Presentation

Elements in Natural and Built Environment: Project Two

This is the final project of ENBE, which involves the built environment. In groups of 4 (or 5), students would have to propose a new sustainable future city and build a model of the city. There are two parts in this project, the first part is an individual task, where students would have to propose their own city and produce a report and a video presentation. The second part of the project is a group task, where students would choose one city among the group members to make a model of the city along with presentation board, to be presented on the exhibition booth day.

Part One - Individual Task: Report and Video Presentation

The first part of this project students are required to propose our own city. But before we can propose a city, we had to choose one situation for the city to grow. There are five choices, that are underground city, underwater city, floating on water city, a city in the air, city on land next to the river, and our group had chosen floating on water city, so the whole group would have to plan a city floating on water. My city is called West Waves City, because it is situated on the west sea of Malaysia. There are a few factors set when proposing the city:
1. The city is smaller than 40 kilometres squares.
2. The population is in between 150,000 to 300,000.
3. The people of the city are Malaysians.
4. The shape and structure of city
5. Zoning of the city
6. Transportation and Networking


Video Presentation

Part Two - Group Task: Model Presentation

In our group, Shirley's model had been chosen, it is called the Zelos City. It is shaped as an octagon. It fully utilise solar energy as it has large triangular solar panels above most buildings. This is because on the sea, sunlight would reflect everywhere, and with that, the solar energy can be reflected to the solar panels easily. Other than that, Zelos City also utilises the wave energy through a waves chamber.


Metro Routes


Zelos City Model

From this project, I learned that building a city requires a lot of researches and considerations. I also learned to find for the right type of information that can be compiled into an informative piece. Through this project I had researched a lot for building a city and the elements in a city, to realized that sometimes, trying to combine the right information together is as important conveying the information correctly.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities:
Communication Skills

Digital Literacy

Discipline Specific Knowledge

Interpersonal Skills

Building Team

Introduction to Construction Industry: Project Two

This project is a group work of 5 people, and we would be given a specific role in the construction industry, like a consultant or a contractor or a developer, and then we had to research about the firm, interview the key people, and make a magazine from the information gathered. This is divided into three parts of the project.

Part One - Researching about the Firm

The key people we were given was Structural Engineer, and our key people is Mr Chan Soo Chai. He owns a firm CSI Consultant. A Structural Engineer is a type of engineer who is involved in the structural construction project. They normally handle buildings works such as industry, housing, hospitals, office blocks and much more. But other than buildings, they can also be in charge in building aircrafts, ships and other large vehicles. CSI Consultant is a firm who mainly works for building and structural projects, and since it had been working for over ten years already, it is a professional firm.

Part Two - Interviewing the Key People

After gathering all the information, we then had to interview the engineer, Mr Chan, and then make a video interviewing about his work, life and so on.

These are the questions we planned to ask for the interview: 
1. What are your resonsibilities being a C&S (Civil and Structural) engineer?
2. What are the stages needed for a C&S engineer to work on?
3. Can a C&S engineer be involved in other types of engineering responsibilities?
4. Does an engineer need to go to site all the time for a project?
5. Can you summarize briefly on what you do?
6. How do you become a professional engineer?
7. Why do some buildings collapse?
8. What is the difference between a Civil and Structural engineer?
9. What are the people you would have to work with?
10. What are some problems you'll face on your work?
11. How do you (a C&S engineer) solve your work problems?
12. How many engineers would be involved in a project?
13. How does your company gets a job?
14. What is the role of a C&S engineer in the community?
15. What do you think of the construction industry in Malaysia?
16. What is your opinion of the prospect of construction industry in Malaysia?
17. How long have you been a C&S engineer?
18. Do you like your job?
19. What motivates your everyday?
20. How to become a successful engineer?
21. What are the safety measures on a construction site?

Part Three - Magazine Making

The last part of the project is a individual component, where students are required to make a magazine/booklet that compiles all the information gathered from the first part and the interview.

Page 1 - Cover

Page 2 - Introduction to CSI Consultant

Page 3 - Responsibilities of a C&S Engineer

Page 4 - People to work with & Problem to deal with

Page 5 - Working on Site

Page 6 - Random Questions

Through this project I learned that the role of a Civil and Structural engineer is a pretty interesting job. It is like building a skeleton, but of a building's. Like maths, engineering needed practice in order to become a good one. Though there are problems on work, but as long as there are passion, it can defeat anything. From this project, I learned more about engineering too, including it's role in the construction industry.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 
Discipline Specific Knowledge

Citizenship and Global Perspective

Communication Skills

Digital Literacy

Landscape Project

Constructed Landscape: Final Project

In this project we had to do a presentation board and a report about the stages in proposing a green space. In groups of 6, we had to select a site within campus of 10m x 10m to propose a green space, and planning out the stages on the board and report. We had to first understand the information about site analysis, concept, master plan, planting plan, costing bill, construction details and maintenance. In our group, we first planned out an idea of our proposal then moving onto the stages given.

Presentation Boards:


From this project I learned that planning a green space is not as easy as planing many trees. There are many factors for consideration, which are the ones we were supposed to do research and add onto. Not only the planting matters, but some of the materials used for the space is a matter too. One of the important factors is the site analysis as it determines which types of plants and materials and directions to be applied to the space.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 
Communication Skills

Digital Literacy

Discipline Specific Knowledge

Interpersonal Skills

Sustainable Landscape

Constructed Landscape: Project Two

In this project, students group of 7, are to research about a sustainable city from a list chosen by the lecturers that are famous for their green cities systems. Our group got the city Copenhagen, and we had to research about the green city principle, their technologies, implementation of sustainable landscapes and the cultural landscapes of the city.

After that, we would need to move on to the second stage of the project, that is site visiting. Our group had to visit Bank Negara, and we to choose a site within 5km radius to conduct research on the interaction of spaces, human activity, and the technologies within the site. Students also have to study the connectivity and circulation, cultural landscape, and context of the site. From the information, we then had to compile all the information into an A1 presentation board, including both researches on the green cities (Copenhagen) and our site (Bank Negara)

Presentation Board: Copenhagen

Presentation Board: Bank Negara

The final stage would be an individual component to make a small booklet. We had to find areas from our site, Bank Negara, and imply the researches on green cities onto the selected areas from our site to improve it landscape. We had to improve the areas so that it can be more sustainable and related to green cities planning.

Page 1 - Cover

Page 2 - Introduction to Site

Page 3 - Streetscapes Around Bank Negara

Page 4 - Transportation

Page 5 - Trees and Shades

Page 6 - Vehicle Lanes

This project makes me understand more about green cities planning and how to make a land sustainable. From the green citites planning we had research, I found out that technology had a big relation to green city planning, and it affects the environmental, social, and economy issues a lot.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 
Citizenship and Global Perspectives

Digital Literacy

Discipline Specific Knowledge

Interpersonal Skills

Orthographic Drawings

Introduction to Drawing: Final Project

The final project of Introduction to Drawing, like the previous project, also requires us to make a presentation drawing board, but this requires more complex drawings. The objective of this project is to introduce s different techniques of drawings to the elements in the built environment. Individually, we were to choose a 10m x 10m site from the previous project area (Block C Level 8). I had chosen a classroom, C8.04, which is a computer lab. With the site chosen, students were required to draw one Floor Plan, two Elevations Diagram, one Sections Diagram, and two Details Diagram. 

Drawings on Butter Paper:

Floor Plan Diagram

Elevations Diagram (1)

Elevations Diagram (2)

Sections Diagram

Details Drawing: Door Knob

Details Drawings: Fire Sprinkler

Presentation Board:

Floor Plan Diagram
Elevation Diagram (1)
Elevation Diagram (2)

Section Diagram
Details Drawing: Door Knob
Details Drawing: Fire Sprinkler

From this project, I learned into more details about drawing, continued from the previous project. In order to produce a good project, you not only have to be precise when drawing the detailing, but the scale is a big part as because if the scale is not accurate, the whole drawing would seem funny. Drawing Floor Plan had been easy because I learned to do it right from the previous project, Elevations and Sections are a little challenge, but to me they were pretty fun to draw. The hardest to draw is the Details Drawing, because not only you had to use the right measurement and scale, but it requires you to research the certain element and see how the inside of it works. Over all comparing from the previous project, I think I did a better job for this project.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities:
Digital Literacy

Discipline Specific Knowledge

Intrapersonal Skills

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Give and Take Game Board

Creative Thinking Skills: Project Two

In this project we are supposed to create our board game. Like the title, we are supposed to use our creativity and think critically to create a board game that should not be created before. There are two parts of the project, individual and group.

Part One - Individual Task: Creating your own Board Game

For the individual part we are supposed to create our own individual board game and document everything onto an A4 booklet. My board game is called Battlefield, and it is something like a puzzle version of what happens on a battlefield. There are a few things we should include in our proposal, that are:

a. Objectives and information about or board game
b. Idea development and process
c. Experimentation, research and investigation
d. A simple illustration of the name of game, logo and packaging
e. A simple explanation of how the game was played and rules

Individual Proposal

Part Two - Group Task: Game Board Making and Carnival

For the second part of the game, which is the group part we were to choose one board game among the group members and start building the board game up and then be organized in the game board Carnival. Other than the board game, we should make a promo video to promote our board game as well. The board game should include all the items needed, a manual, and proper packaging, just like how a proper board game should be.

How to play Give and Take?
1. The players had to first play a game of question and answers to determine the number of blocks they would have to start out before actually getting onto the game board. This session would take 10 minutes.
2. During the Q&A session, players should answer as many correct answers to accumulate points, which can be exchanged into blocks.
3. After the Q&A session, players would then get onto the game board to continue the second part of the game: building.
4. Each players would be given different checklist of what to build.
5. Players would be given 5 minutes to build one thing from their checklist with the initial blocks they got from the Q&A.
6. After the 5 minutes of building, players would take turns to spin the needle and pick the sticks from the middle of the board.
7. The needle would determine where would the player take the blocks from, and the sticks determines how many blocks can the player take.
8. The players should then continue building the things off their checklist.

How to win?
- First to finish building things off the checklist
- Building has to be at least 10 layers tall
- Building is stable and wouldn't topple over

Give and Take Game Board: Process

Items in the Board Game:


 Arrangement of items


1. Questions: Questions to be answered before the game to accumulate nanoblocks
2. Whiteboard and Marker: For the host to write out things to be built
3. Nanoblocks and Compartments: Nanoblocks to built things to be cancelled off the list, compartments to store blocks.
4. Timer: For the host to record time
5. Manual: To understand game
6. Sticks: To determine how many blocks can be taken by player

Through this project I learned that a board game does not require too much hard work to make, unlike how I used to think how Monopoly are created and made into an actual game board. All it needs is just some creativity enthusiasm to make an actual board game out.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities:
Communication Skills

Interpersonal Skills

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills