Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Measure and Diagram It

Introduction to Drawing: Project 1B

This project required us to draw out different techniques of drawings on a site given. It is a individual project but when it comes to measuring the site area, it brought out teamwork between the groupmates. Individually, we were to draw out the different types of drawings on butter paper and also producing a presentation board presenting the pictures. Since the site is large, it wasn't easy measuring the places. My group measured in details the thickness of walls, doors and columns too. We were divided into two groups of threes each to measure site, and then complied our measurements together in a whole. The types of drawings we were supposed to draw are: Key Plan, Location Plan, Site Plan Details, Bubble Diagram, Circulation Diagram, and Floor Plan.

Drawings on Butter Paper:

Key Plan

Location Plan

Site Plan

Bubble Diagram (old)

Bubble Diagram (upgraded)

Floor Plan (old with measurements)

Floor Plan (old without measurements)

Floor Plan (upgraded)

Circulation Diagram (1)

Circulation Diagram (old)

Circulation Diagram (upgraded)

Presentation Board:

Layout of Presentation Board

Key Plan

Site Plan

Location Plan

Bubble Diagram, Floor Plan. Circulation Diagram (1) 

Circulation Diagram (2)

From this project, I learned to draw the basics of architectural drawings. The first moment I heard of all the types of drawings we were supposed to draw, I was quite shock to hear all the types of drawings I never heard before in my life. But after I researched about the types of drawings, I understood that the types of drawings are all arranged in stages, like Key Plan is the biggest picture, then it came into Location Plan and then Site Plan, then finally Bubble diagram, the simplest way to draw out a site, and then into the more complex ones, which are Circulation Diagram and Floor Plan. Even though drawing the drawings are difficult, but I learnt that the more I redrew my drawings (due to some of them being incorrect), I finally learnt more and had improved my drawing skills.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 
Digital Literacy

Discipline Specific Knowledge

Intrapersonal Skills

Lifelong Learning

Product Design Drawings

Introduction to Drawing: Project 1A

The first project of Introduction to Drawing required us investigate the types of drawings of  given topic. We had to make a presentation, through slides, to show our investigation on how drawings are communicated between the people involved. Our group had chosen the topic product design, and this is the presentation slide.

ITD Project One - Presentation Slides

Presentation Video

Through this project I learned that product designing required many different drawings until it reaches the finalized stage. I also learned that it is important for product designers to communicate through drawings with clients and other team players. Also from this project, I learned to gather data and organized them into stages as a means of presenting and explaining about the topic.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 
Communication Skills

Digital Literacy

Discipline Specific Knowledge

Interpersonal Skills

Thursday, April 24, 2014

IDJ 2: Superhero Hideout

Creative Thinking Skills: Idea Journal Two

In this journal we were asked to draw out a secret hideout for our superhero from Idea Journal One. The hideout can be on land, on water, underwater, on air and so much more. We need to illustrate the layout of our hideout too and show the usage of the spaces in the hideout.

My superhero secret hideout is called the Wave Tower, and it is a tower underwater. It is made of glass, full, so that the sea world can be seen clearly from the tower all the time. I chose to make my hideout this way is so that my superhero can evaluate her creativity because there are no edges seen under the sea, meaning there will be no limits in creating the illusions in her mind to draw out. Normally what Paint-illusionor will do in the hideout is creating illusion images on paper and then picturing it onto her mind so that she could use the illusion to confuse the villains.

This is my 3-paged Idea Journal.

Page 1 - Uniqueness of the spaces in Wave Tower

Page 2 - Top view layout of Wave Tower

Page 3 - Mindmap about Wave Tower

From this Idea Journal I learned that trying to make a secret hideout is something one should really consider a lot into, especially when you are trying to find the location to start out. This requires a lot of creative and critical thinking when trying to gather and collect different information together and making the best decision and giving the best idea.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 

Intrapersonal Skills

Lifelong Learning

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Monday, April 14, 2014

TJ02: Nature Conservation

Elements in Natural and Built Environment: The Journal Two

Nature Conservation had been the most neglected topic for local people because they never thought their participation would make a big difference in bringing the nature back to a brighter life. Many famous organizations had already taken a step out of their circle to help this beautiful mother we called "Nature." But we definitely can not rely all on them, as the nature don't belonged to only them, but all of us are the children of mother nature. Nature Conservation is not just about doing big things like replanting the whole forest in a day or prohibit the use of vehicles totally and walk on your legs for a hundred miles just to take a visit to your grandma. There are many small things one can do to repay mother nature for cruel things we humans had done to her, like car pooling or reuse something that could possibly be used again. A very serious issue is illegal logging. There are many disadvantages whenever a tree was chopped off for some unnecessary reasons. We should eliminate all illegal logging activities as it would create a big effect to our mother nature. Just imagine nature is a highly protected house, and the trees are the columns and beams supporting the house from falling.

This is my journal for this important topic that we should really take into consideration for an opt to change:

Page 1 - Nature Conservation

 Page 2 - Illegal Logging

Page 3 - Why Preserve Trees?

Page 4 - How to Preserve?

Page 5 - Conclusion

After doing this journal, I realized that conserving nature should not be something to be procrastinated. If one person take the initiative to start small, the others will follow them, and as the little things done had accumulated, it might make a big difference. After all, another respected mother, known as Mother Teresa, had once said, "I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot. Together we can do great things." Great things like saving mother nature.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 
Intrapersonal Skills

Lifelong Learning

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Digital Literacy

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Organizations and Bodies Involved in the Construction Industry

Introduction to Construction Industry: Project One

This is a group project of 6 to 7 people. We were to get as much information in the topic we had chosen, as each group is different. Our group's topic is "Organizations and Bodies Involved" where we had to researched about the organizations here in Malaysia, and explained their vision, mission, roles and responsibility.

The company name of the organizations and bodies involved

The vision, mission and responsibilities of the companies

This project made me understand what people involved in Construction Industry actually do for their job and then I also learned what are their responsibility. Other than what was involved in the topic, I also learned that teaming up with people from different country was actually a friendly approached as I got to know them more. (My group has 3 people from overseas.)

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 
Communication Skills

Citizenship and Global Perspectives

Digital Literacy

Discipline Specific Discipline

Experiential Landscape

Constructed Landscape: Project One

This is an individual project to make a comparative study between two case study: one local and one overseas, that are of the similar topics. We are required to gather all our findings and put them on one or two A3 boards (mounting boards), and also make videos of the comparatives. We should include both texts and images.

The topic I had chosen is Campus and the two campuses I compared was Taylor's Lakeside Campus and Sault College. One of the reason I had chosen this two campuses is because they are both designed in a modern architecture and consist of many glass windows up the building, making use of the nature like the outside environment and the natural light, sunlight. Though my initial aim was to compare the two modern designed campuses, but as I researched more into it, I realized that instead of looking just at the most outstanding feature, there were more into this two campuses.

Case study about Sault College

Case study about Taylors Lakeside Campus

These is my comparison video for the two campuses.

After doing this project, I learned that if one were to just judge by the cover, they would missed many valuable and interesting features beneath something, just like the campuses. The very first moment I thought of the project was that other than the similar exterior design they had, all the other things were just like the common campuses, but I realized that I was so wrong when I researched deep into the topic to find out they were actually very interesting comparisons that was worth a look.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 
Digital Literacy

Discipline Specific Knowledge

Intrapersonal Skills