Monday, April 14, 2014

TJ02: Nature Conservation

Elements in Natural and Built Environment: The Journal Two

Nature Conservation had been the most neglected topic for local people because they never thought their participation would make a big difference in bringing the nature back to a brighter life. Many famous organizations had already taken a step out of their circle to help this beautiful mother we called "Nature." But we definitely can not rely all on them, as the nature don't belonged to only them, but all of us are the children of mother nature. Nature Conservation is not just about doing big things like replanting the whole forest in a day or prohibit the use of vehicles totally and walk on your legs for a hundred miles just to take a visit to your grandma. There are many small things one can do to repay mother nature for cruel things we humans had done to her, like car pooling or reuse something that could possibly be used again. A very serious issue is illegal logging. There are many disadvantages whenever a tree was chopped off for some unnecessary reasons. We should eliminate all illegal logging activities as it would create a big effect to our mother nature. Just imagine nature is a highly protected house, and the trees are the columns and beams supporting the house from falling.

This is my journal for this important topic that we should really take into consideration for an opt to change:

Page 1 - Nature Conservation

 Page 2 - Illegal Logging

Page 3 - Why Preserve Trees?

Page 4 - How to Preserve?

Page 5 - Conclusion

After doing this journal, I realized that conserving nature should not be something to be procrastinated. If one person take the initiative to start small, the others will follow them, and as the little things done had accumulated, it might make a big difference. After all, another respected mother, known as Mother Teresa, had once said, "I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot. Together we can do great things." Great things like saving mother nature.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 
Intrapersonal Skills

Lifelong Learning

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Digital Literacy

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