Sunday, April 6, 2014

Organizations and Bodies Involved in the Construction Industry

Introduction to Construction Industry: Project One

This is a group project of 6 to 7 people. We were to get as much information in the topic we had chosen, as each group is different. Our group's topic is "Organizations and Bodies Involved" where we had to researched about the organizations here in Malaysia, and explained their vision, mission, roles and responsibility.

The company name of the organizations and bodies involved

The vision, mission and responsibilities of the companies

This project made me understand what people involved in Construction Industry actually do for their job and then I also learned what are their responsibility. Other than what was involved in the topic, I also learned that teaming up with people from different country was actually a friendly approached as I got to know them more. (My group has 3 people from overseas.)

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities: 
Communication Skills

Citizenship and Global Perspectives

Digital Literacy

Discipline Specific Discipline

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