Sunday, April 6, 2014

Compare and Contrast Essay

English I: Assignment One

This is the first assignment for English I (individual), where I had to write a pre-writing and essay for one topic among 3 topics, that are process essay, cause and effect essay, and compare and contract essay. I wrote the essay about comparing and contrasting, titled "Comparing between a 'Rumah Melayu' and a 'Hanok' ". "Rumah Melayu" is the Malay Traditional House, and a "Hanok" is the Korean Traditional House. Both of them are unique in their own ways and have several good qualities, and because of that I compared these two houses and emphasized on the advantages of the olden people living in traditional houses.

English 1 - Assignment One: Essay

After writing this essay, I realized making pre-writing wasn't as complicated as I thought, and that with a pre-writing, life becomes easier when writing an actual essay. When writing, your researches are very important too. I also realized that the techniques learned in classes were very useful. Other than learning about techniques to write, I also learned that the modern houses, especially mansions and large expensive houses, were in fact one's ideal houses, but back in the past where people had not have our modern features, they made used of the nature and still could make a house with so many benefits. People say the olden people are good architects when it comes to building traditional houses, and with that, we should be proud of them.

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